Looking back, I’ve investigated and played with a lot of interesting stuff this year, I was pretty busy 🙂 Early in the year I was doing a lot of experimenting with AWS as part of my prep for the AWS Solution Architect Associate exam, so a lot of my posts this year were AWS related, but I did some a some time working on some other projects too.
Here’s a look back at some of my favorite personal projects and blog posts during the year:
- Mining Monereo in Docker containers running on Kubernetes: was it worth it? No, but it was a good exercise in learning some Kubernetes fundamentals.
- Spring Boot microservices with Eureka
- AWS Storage Gateway and EC2 spot instances with launch templates
- Moving my WordPress (nginx, php5 and MySQL) to a new VPS host running in Docker containers (as of 12/31/12 where it’s still running right now)
- Lessons learnt from migrating my blog to Docker: hereand here
- Scheduled AWS Lambdas
- Generating Tweets from a trained Machine Learning model
- Caching Spring Boot responses with Spring Cache and Redis
- Retraining my Machine Learning model with my own blog content
- Building an AWS Lambda based card game bot on Twitter (and updates here, here and here) – check it out here: https://twitter.com/BlackjackCard/with_replies
- mvmdvm and Pi-Star setup – multi digital voice Amateur Radio modes on a Raspberry Pi – here and here
- All you need to know about CIDR blocks for the AWS Solution Architect exam
- Building Twitter bots with AWS Lambdas and other stuff
- Spring Boot Actuator and Kubernetes Readiness Probes
- Summary of my experiences with AWS EKS Kubernetes cluster provisioning
Phew that’s quite a lot! I sincerely appreciate the feedback and comments I receive on my posts and hearing that at least some of my content is useful to others. I look forward to continuing to share my thoughts and write more content that hopefully will be continue to be useful in the coming year.
Happy New Year!