Installing Eclipse IDE for Apple M1 Silicon

Update January 2022: Since writing this official release versions are now available with MacOS AArch64 builds for M1 Macs from the main downloads page:

From the official Eclipse downloads page as of 10/31/21 there aren’t any M1 builds ready for download. However, following the comments on this bug/feature request, there have been daily builds for M1 it looks like for some time. The daily builds are available here.

I downloaded the latest stable build from here:

Double-clicking the downloaded .dmg and then dragging the Eclipse app into Applications is all that was needed to install. Done!

Adobe Creative Cloud apps: Native M1 or using Rosetta?

Following on from my previous post about the Creative Cloud desktop app requiring Rosetta to run, there is a page on the Adobe site that highlights which Adobe apps have been packaged for Native M1 and which are still only Intel based and require Rosetta to run here.

The majority of apps have been updated to run on M1 already:

While the apps are still Intel only and require Rosetta to run on M1:

Installing Photoshop from the Create Cloud desktop app correctly identifies running on M1 and gives you the option of the native M1 version by default, or even picking the Intel version if you want to run it on Rosetta: