I did this install on a VMware ESXi VM a while back and never shared it. Unfortunately I didn’t capture what the VM settings were, but were probably similar to what I used for Warp 4 which you can find here.
Welcome to OS/2 Warp 3 Connect!
Articles, notes and random thoughts on Software Development and Technology
I did this install on a VMware ESXi VM a while back and never shared it. Unfortunately I didn’t capture what the VM settings were, but were probably similar to what I used for Warp 4 which you can find here.
Welcome to OS/2 Warp 3 Connect!
When you purchase an SSL certificate for a domain, e.g. to secure HTTPS usage with your web server, your certificate download may provide you several files like this:
youdomain.com.crt : this is your domain certificate
Files that look this are the root and intermediate certificates:
Depending how your SSL vendor supplies these files, the second two files may be provided already bundled in one file or two separate files.
To combine them together into one bundle file, use cat to concat the files:
cat yourdomain_com.crt USERTrustRSAAddTrustCA.crt AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt > domain_com.ca-bundle.crt
Open the file and check that each start and end comment for each cert are on their own line and not on the same line (see here).
zsh on MacOS saves your terminal history to ~/.zsh_history
If you entered a command that you don’t want to remain in your history, edit the file and delete the lines you don’t want to remain in your history, then save. Exist terminal and reopen.
Version control is an important part of software development, all commercial software development projects use some form of version control, these days it’s likely to be git but there are other alternatives. Even if you are working on your own small personal projects, get into the habit of committing your code changes frequently and pushing to a remote repo.
Why would you bother doing this even for personal projects?