Press release here. CP/M was significant in the history of the development of the IBM PC as IBM famously approached Kildall to license CP/M for the OS for the first IBM PC, but failing to work a deal approached Bill Gates at Microsoft instead.
Mac OS X Yosemite
Ars Technica has a fantastically detailed review (25 pages) of the latest OS X release, Yosemite. I’m browsing though the article as my 5.1GB download is slowly coming across the tubes. Maybe sometime tonight it will have completed and I’ll be ready to install 🙂
In the meantime, I’m wondering whether I like the ‘flat’ UI look, and prefer the 3d style icons and shadows in my dock, but I’m sure I’ll get used to it.
More TNC Commands
MCON ON : monitor all packets to/from other stations, not just your station
MCOM ON: monitor all packets sent (including ack packets etc)
MONITOR ON: turn on monitoring while not connected
Parallels 9 update for Mac OS X 10.9.5
Just tried to start up Parallels and got an error message that the Parallels service could not start – the link to this article says this is due to the last OS X update, and there’s a link to a download for an update to Parallels to address the issue.