I’m putting something together for our River City Amateur Radio Comms Society homebrew show n tell later this year. Here’s my ingredients so far:
I’m thinking of building a bridge between Amateur Radio Packet and social networking, like Twitter.
So far I’ve roughed out node.js to Twitter integration using node-oauth, and I I’ve put together a simple prototype using the node-ax25 library to connect to the KISS virtual TNC on Direwolf. It receives packets and writes callsigns and messages to the console.
Right now I’m testing this on a PC running Debian, with a Rigblaster Plug n Play connected to an Icom 880h. Later when my TNC-Pi arrives I’ll migrate this to the Pi.
So far using the node-ax25 library looks pretty easy. Here’s some code so far to dump received callsigns to the console:
var ax25 = require("ax25");
var tnc = new ax25.kissTNC(
{ serialPort : "/dev/pts/1",
baudRate : 9600
function(frame) {
//console.log("Received AX.25 frame: " + frame);
var packet = new ax25.Packet({ 'frame' : frame });
console.log(new Date() + "From "
+ formatCallsign(packet.sourceCallsign, packet.sourceSSID)
+ " to "
+ formatCallsign(packet.destinationCallsign, packet.destinationSSID));
if(packet.infoString !=""){
console.log("> " + packet.infoString);
* Formats a callsign optionally including the ssid if present
function formatCallsign(callsign, ssid){
var formattedCallsign = "";
if(ssid == "" || ssid == "0"){
formattedCallsign = callsign;
formattedCallsign = callsign + "-" + ssid;
return formattedCallsign;
The output for received messages so far looks like this:
Wed Apr 19 2017 23:10:00 GMT-0700 (PDT)From KBERR to KJ6NKR
Wed Apr 19 2017 23:12:05 GMT-0700 (PDT)From AE6OR to BEACON
> ¤¤@à¤@@`¤¤@`®²@`¨@`¨@aðHello from 5W Garage packet node AUBURN 73's Steli !
Wed Apr 19 2017 23:12:08 GMT-0700 (PDT)From AE6OR to BEACON
> ¤¤@à¤@@त@ல@`¨@`¨@aðHello from 5W Garage packet node AUBURN 73's Steli !
Wed Apr 19 2017 23:16:49 GMT-0700 (PDT)From K6JAC -6 to ID
Wed Apr 19 2017 23:19:31 GMT-0700 (PDT)From K6WLS -4 to ID
> Network Node (KWDLD)
Wed Apr 19 2017 23:19:50 GMT-0700 (PDT)From NM3S to BEACON
> Mike in South Sac. Please feel free to leave a message. 73's