After logging on to an ax25 node, you’re shown a message like this:
DAVBBS:KK6DCT-6 Welcome to KK6DCT-6 network node
Type ? for a list of commands. help <commandname> gives a description
of the named command.
@kk6dct-6 20:52:01>
This is what is shown by my node that I’m currently setting up. I’d like to show a list of the apps I currently have configured. You can see the configured commands by entering a ? as the message tells you, but the formatting is not ideal, especially as I’m adding more apps and this list is getting cluttered. This is what the ‘?’ command shows for my currently configured apps:
@kk6dct-6 20:52:01> ?
DAVBBS:KK6DCT-6 Commands:
?, Advent, Bye, Connect, Escape, Finger, Help, HItchhikers, HOst
Info, Links, Mheard, NLinks, Nodes, PIng, Ports, Routes, Status
TAlk, Telnet, TIme, Users, W1-WeatherDavisCA, W2-Weather5DaysDavisCA
W3-WeatherForCity, W4-Weather5DaysForCity, Z1-Zork1, Z2-Zork2
Z3-Zork3, ZConnect, ZTelnet
When you logon, the first part of the welcome message that’s displayed is configured in /etc/ax25/node.motd (message of the day). Editing this file I can now more cleanly format the menu (and I might come back and change some of the names of the apps to make the menu options clearer later) :
DAVBBS:KK6DCT-6 Welcome to KK6DCT-6 network node
W1 - Weather in Davis, CA
W2 - 5 day weather forecast: Davis, CA
W3 - Weather in specified city
W4 - 5 day weather forecast for specified city
Advent - Adventure / Colossal Cove
Z1 - Zork I
Z2 - Zork II
Z3 - Zork III
Type ? for a list of commands. help <commandname> gives a description
of the named command.
Much better!