I have an Adafruit i2c 2 line LCD Pi Plate that I’ve used for projects with my Raspberry Pi. It has a block of header pins that slot down onto the GPIO pins on the Pi. It seems that it’s pretty similar to other LCDs for the Arduino, so with some reading around and experimenting, it does wire up and work perfectly with the Arduino too. This post gave the me starting point for what pins wired to where.
In summary, this is how I wired it up – the Raspberry Pi pin references are the pin names that the Pi Plate would normally connect to, and which Arduino pins I connected them to:
Pi Plate Pin -> Arduino Pin
Pin2 -> 5v
Pin6/grnd -> grnd
Pin3 -> A4/SDA
Pin5 -> A5/SCL
The Adafruit LCD Arduino library works with the LCD Pi Plate without any other changes.