MS Flight Simulator 2024: Day 2 – not too much better

My Day 2 experience was better than Day 1 – at least I could could logon and get into the game. However, initial impressions were not great – it appears the servers were still struggling and I wasn’t getting any scenery streaming at all. Instead of even the basic textures that you’d get for example in FSX, I was presented with a virtual world of … nothingness:

I think I can see my house down there?

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020: UK scenery updates – comparing 2020-2021 compared to now after World Update XVII (July 2024)

With the recent UK scenery updates (July 2024), other than the newly updated photogrammetry areas I was wondering if there had been any other updates that have been sneaked in and not mentioned in the release notes.

I took a number of screenshots of melty scenery back in 2020 shortly after the release that I was going to share but just remained in my screenshots folder. Let’s go back and see if there’s been any changes.

August 2020: Flying west near the mouth of the Thames estuary, there were some interesting water formations in the Thames:

August 2020: London before the recent updates, looking rather sparse:

… but after World Update XVII London is now looking incredible, and the water level glitches are fixed (actually I think they were fixed a while ago, not just in this most recent World Update):

September 2020: McLaren’s headquarters near Woking decided they needed to expand and build houses on their roof:

… looking good after recent updates:

August 2020: rather sparse looking Colchester Castle in Essex:

November 2021: Colchester Castle with some updates, but still being rendered as if it is an office building:

… September 2024: looks like the castle model has slightly more detail again, but still not great, it still is rendered with office building textures. This really deserves it’s own POI model:

October 2020: similarly even sparser Needles at the Isle of Wight:

May 2021: some of favorite melted scenery I’ve found so far in game is around Southampton docks, like these melted tractors and trucks:

and similar looking melted cars:

May 2021: Southampton docks melted ships:

… September 2024: I couldn’t find this same ship again, but this one in 2024 is even better:

May 2021: one of my favorites, a melted car park structure near Southampton docks:

and more melted farm equipment:

Parked cars draped over the side of a building:

… September 2024: still here, still melty:

May 2021: trees growing on cruise ships at Southampton docks:

… in Sept 2024, this same ship is oddly looking worse, like it’s taken on some water:

May 2021: Cardington Airfield hangers rendered as just large stock scenery buildings:

… updated recently in World Update XVII in July 2024:

May 2021: the rather impressive Milford Proving Ground in Bedfordshire:

Migrating from Mastodon self-hosted vs hosting service alternatives

Given the news that the bot-friendly Mastodon instance is shutting down, I need to decide what my next steps should be for the bots that have accounts on that instance:

  • abandon them
  • migrate their accounts to another Mastodon instance or somewhere else like BlueSky
  • setup and run my own Mastodon instance
  • pay for a hosted Mastodon instance

Developing bots is a fun personal project to get up to speed with developing and running services in the cloud, so even if I don’t continue running my current bots, it’s likely I’ll deploy something else bot-related in the future, so I’m most likely going to migrate them somewhere.

I’ve already migrated a few of my bots from Twitter to Mastodon, and now faced with another move, the option of running my own Mastodon instance seems more appealing than relying on someone else’s instance that may or may not be running months from now. Given that I already host other things in the cloud, including this blog, I thought I’d give it a go to setup a Docker based Mastodon instance. The source project provides Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml so I thought it would probably be relatively easy. The docs look more detailed for installing on a bare OS though, so it’s not as obvious what you need to do to configure an instance to get it up and running successfully.

I followed multiple guides which all seem to cover various different parts of the install and setup, these two were the most comprehensive:

Despite following these guides, I ran into many, many issues, and as I found solutions I started putting together my own step by step guide below. Several times I discovered that the issues I was running into was because there was an additional step I needed to run first that wasn’t mentioned elsewhere, and even though I found work arounds it was easier to throw the install away and start fresh adding the step(s) I’d missed before.

The tl;dr conclusion

After spending a few hours over several days, I got to the point of having an instance up and running on GCP, but an e2-small instance was too slow, and while upgrading to a e2-medium ran ok, at that point that instance type would have been too expensive for a hobby project to leave up 24×7. Even though it was up and running I couldn’t seem to search for or follow anyone on another instance, or get any relays successfully added.

To run a self-hosted instance I’d also need an SMTP service as well for notification emails, so I decided that the cheapest ‘Moon’ hosting plan from would be more than for my projects, so I’ve set up my own instance with them. Sign up was effortless, and my own instance was up and running in a couple of minutes – it’s at:

docker-compose Mastodon setup steps:

As explained above, despite getting to the point of a running server, it still had issues that I didn’t want to spend more time investigating, so I’ll leave these notes here in case they’re useful for someone else running into similar issues, but please take these with a grain of salt and no guarantee that you’ll get a working server as result.

  1. Clone the mastdon repo
  2. cp .env.production.sample .env.production
  3. Run secret generation steps from comments in .env.production and paste generated values into .env.production, using
docker compose run --rm web bin/rails db:encryption:init

and (run this one twice for SECRET_KEY_BASE and OTP_SECRET):

docker compose run --rm web bundle exec rails secret


docker compose run --rm web  bundle exec rails mastodon:webpush:generate_vapid_key

4. Replace any localhost references with the name of the Docker container in .env.production, for example:


    5. Run the db setup step:

    docker compose run --rm web  bundle exec rails db:setup

    I’d previously missed this step and so managed to get the db setup via several manual steps – skip these if you run db:setup instead: run psql in the db service container and manually create a mastodon user:

    CREATE USER mastodon WITH PASSWORD '<password>' CREATEDB; 

    Run the db:create script. If you get an error that the db already exists, run the db:migrate script.

    Mounted Volume ownership

    Within your mastodon dir, change the permissions on the following folders which get mounted as volumes.

    For static content accessed by the web container:

    sudo chown -R 991:991 public

    For elasticsearch runtime data:

    sudo chown -R 1000:root elasticsearch 

    … this avoid error in the es logs about being unable to access the mounted volume (from here):

    AccessDeniedException: /usr/share/elasticsearch/data/nodes

    ElasticSearch vm.max_map_count error

    bootstrap check failure [1] of [1]: max virtual memory areas vm.max_map_count [65530] is too low, increase to at least [262144]

    ElasticSearch error in Admin page

    Elasticsearch index mappings are outdated. Please run tootctl search deploy --only=instances tags

    ‘docker exec -it container-id bash’ into the web container and run to fix.

    Post install setups

    RAILS_ENV=production bin/tootctl accounts create \
    alice \
    --email \
    --confirmed \
    --role Owner


    On starting up, if you get any database connection errors, check the previous step about replacing localhost with Docker container names:

    Did you not create the database, or did you delete it? To create the database, run: bin/rails db:create

    MS Flight Simulator 2024 day 1: Welcome to a logon wait screen

    It’s Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 launch day 1. My download is still ongoing, but browsing the forums it’s not looking good so far as many users are finding they’re stuck in a queue to logon. That’s a first, I don’t think I’ve ever seen something like this before. I’ll continue browsing the forum while I wait for my download, but doesn’t look like I’ll be able to get into the game tonight.