Eclipse Oxygen with Atlassian Connector plugin for accessing Jira issues

I’ve been kicking the tires in my local dev setup running my own Jira and GitLab installations. I’ve been meaning to take a look at how to access Jira tickets from within Eclipse, and then the next logical step is to look at the Jira to GitLab integration.

First up, let’s look at accessing Jira tickets in Eclipse. Docs on the Atlassian Connector are here: The installation guide gives an Eclipse Update Sites for Eclipse version up to Luna but not more recent versions (Mars, Neon, Oxygen), but questions online (e.g. here) suggest the Luna version still installs and works with Oxygen (using update site:

Integration within Eclipse is using Mylyn. After installing the plugin by adding the update site above, open the Mylyn/Task Repository view:

and select the Jira option:

Press Next and enter the URL for your Jira server:

When prompted to create a new Query, select Yes – this is what retrieves your assigned tasks from Jira:

Press Next for the next dialog. There’s a lot of options here (continues below the area in this screenshot), but in this case I’m interested just in the issues logged for my Blackjack Twitterbot project, so I selected this specific project:

In my Task List view I can now see a list of my assigned tasks, open and competed:

Double-clicking any of these opens the ticket in Eclipse:

This is pretty typical of any issue ticket tracking support in Eclipse. At this point I can edit and update the tickets.

Next up, I’ll look at Jira and GitHub integration.


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