I haven’t worked on my Grails project (an Online Store example application) for a few weeks, but I had a couple of days off work this week so spent a number of hours working on some new features.
I found an issue with the pagination support when using results sorted in reverse id order and logged bug GRAILS-914.
I also came across an issue that I couldn’t work out – I had some error in one of my Controllers but the problem was being masked by the error.jsp page not functioning correctly. It looks like this was fixed in GRAILS-365 in 0.3, but I was still seeing this issue in 0.3.1. I logged a new bug report for it (GRAILS-919), and decided to upgrade to 0.4.2 at the same time.
After upgrading to both Groovy 1.0 and Grails 0.4.2 (running ‘grails clean’ and ‘grails upgrade’ on my existing app), I found a number of things I needed to change in my existing code, which I captured as separate posts here:
Plus a couple of other helpful tips: