Why code is hard to test

Junior Developer: I can’t write a test for this code, it’s too hard to test

Senior Developer: Who wrote the code?

JD: I did

SD: You’re saying the code you wrote is hard to test. If you wrote the code, who made the code hard to test?

JD: I guess I did

SD: Right, so can you restructure the code to make it easier to test?

JD: Yes, looking at it again, I could break it down into smaller methods that would be easier to test individually

SD: Great! In future, how can we write the code so make it easier to test?

JD: Well if I think about how I’m going to test the code as I write it, then I can definitely write it in a way that would make it easier to test

SD: Great! And if you write your tests before you write your code, that would help even further with that approach, right?

JD: Yes, I guess it would.

TDD is not rocket science.

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