Rancher’s RKE is a Kubernetes cluster installer – see more here.
- Docker must be running on the client machine where you are going to run the rke setup tool
- The docs are not obvious, but the rke tool is run on a client machine to provision your cluster, it is not run on any of the target cluster nodes
Notes using Ubuntu 16.04 server.
Remove prior Docker installs:
sudo apt-get remove docker docker-engine docker.io
Create docker group and add user to docker group:
sudo groupadd docker
usermod -aG docker <user_name>
Install per Docker CE install steps here, or use the Rancher provider install script here.
Supported Docker versions for RKE (as of Dec 2018) are: 1.11.x 1.12.x 1.13.x 17.03.x
Configure Docker daemon to listen for incoming requests on 2376, as per steps here.
Using ‘rke config’ with the default/minimal cluster.yml here, and then install/setup with ‘rke up’
If you didn’t change the name of the cluster.yml file, after the install is complete, you’ll have a kube_config_cluster.yml file in the same dir which you can use with kubectl to interact with you cluster, or add it into your existing ~/.kube/config file