I’ve posted a few times about installing the nvidia-304 legacy drivers on Linux Mint, which I’ve been using on an HP desktop which has nvidia 6150 graphics on the motherboard.
I just upgraded to a shiny new geforce 750ti card which runs in this same HP, powered through the PCI-E slot so and doesn’t need any additional power (which would have required ugrading the PSU too).
To upgrade my nvidia drivers in Linux Mint, it seems the latest 361 drivers are not available in the main apt-get repos, and even if you add a ppa, it seems they’re not there yet either. Luckily, to install from the download on the nvidia site it’s pretty easy.
To summarize the steps I took based on the instructions here:
- remove the current nvidia drivers:
sudo apt-get purge nvidia*
- kill the current Mint DM:
sudo service mdm stop
- sudo the driver .run executable downloaded from the nvidia site.. chmod +x it if needed. Reboot, and done! Running the latest drivers!