Identifying and responding to issues faster with more frequent deploy cycles

Everything in IT has pros and cons, and as they say, ymmv. One of the things that has always interested me in IT is how your point of view, the lens through which you perceive ‘how things are done’, is always (and perhaps obviously) influenced by your current company/project/client/organizational experience.

If for example your current experience is (and perhaps has always been) traditional waterfall-type development lifecycle, then the very idea that it’s possible to build/test/deploy new functionality to production in anything less than 6 month release cycles, let alone daily, probably sounds like an impossibility.

However, if this is your experience (and to be honest most of my industry experience has been using more traditional methods), there is a light bulb moment when you realize what it means to be able to deploy to production in very frequent, short development cycles.

The faster/quicker you can deploy new features to production, the faster you can learn about what works and what doesn’t. If you find problems sooner, you can respond and fix issues sooner. Fixing problems sooner means problems don’t get out of control and grow into much larger problems that become more expensive and more difficult to fix later. Getting features in front of your users sooner give them the opportunity to provide feedback quicker, and either confirm that this is what they were expecting, or whether changes need to be made to get closer to exactly what it is that they are looking for.

Continuous Delivery is not a myth, there’s many organizations out there already successfully using techniques to deploy to production daily ( have a great collection of presentations on their site).

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