If you spotted this post on the Java Posse’s Google Group, then you might have already seen this link to a photo on Twitter from Devoxx 2014. If you were at Devoxx 2014 and attended the live Java Posse session, then you already know this too. Of course, if you regularly listen to the podcasts then you would have noticed that the regular podcast sessions dropped off noticeably last year.
The Java Posse’s final podcast session (#461), recorded from Devoxx 2014 is now live on their feed.
I’ve listened to the majority of their podcasts (and the early Javacast episodes) since the first sessions in 2005, it’s definitely the Java related technology podcast that I’ve listened to and followed the most, and so it’s sad that the guys have finally decided to call it quits and not continue the series any more.
Thanks to the guys for producing the session all these years, you’ll be missed!
So where are they now?
- Tor and Chet you can find on the Android Developers Backstage podcast
- Dick Wall is on the Scalawags podcast
What am I listening too now? I’ve listened to a couple of episodes of the Java Pub House, which is ok, and on my todo list is Java Enterprise Newscast. But I don’t think you can replace The Java Posse. Thanks again guys, and good luck in your other endeavors.