Revisiting my webapp: visualizing WSJT-X FT8 spots over time – part 4: It’s back, it’s alive!

I still have some refactoring to do as I move the app to the cloud, but as the first starting point I have the original app up and running on WildFly on a VPS. It’s back up and live on the original domain,

The uploader has been updated to read current 2.x WSJT-X log files, but I haven’t uploaded the .jar to GitLab yet, but I’ll do that soon. I’ve some test log data uploaded under my callsign, KK6DCT.

More changes to come soon.

If you’re catching up, here’s my previous posts on getting the project up and running again:

Building an Amateur Radio packet to Twitter bridge: Part 2 – Understanding Twitter’s API rate limits

Quick update on my project to build an Amateur Radio Packet to Twitter bridge (see here for the first post).

I’ve moved the node.js code to a Raspberry Pi 3. So far I have up and running:

Twitter provides an incredibly useful REST based API to integrate with their service, but understandably your usage is ‘rate limited’ so you’re not retrieving vast amounts of data or flooding the service with spam Tweets.

To understand their rate limit approach, see this article:

For limits on POSTs, for example for creating new Tweets:

Per above article, POSTs are limited 2,400 per day, or 100/hour. This means if you’re app could potentially use the POST apis more than 100 per hour, you need to build in some limiting logic in your app so you don’t exceed this threshold.

The rate limits for the /GET REST apis are here, although for my application I’m not relying heavily on GETs, the majority of the calls are POSTS:

Twitter’s api prevents you from posting duplicate Tweets (see here), although they don’t publish how much time needs to elapse before an identical post is no longer consider a duplicate (see here). This wasn’t something I was planning on handling, but given the repetitive nature of some packet transmissions, for example BEACON packets, and packets sent for ID, this has to be a necessary feature of my app, otherwise in the worst case it would be attempting to tweet a stations BEACON packet every minute continuously.

To handle this I’m storing each Tweet sent, with additional tracking stats, like time last Tweet sent. Using this time stamp I can then calculate the elapsed time between now and the time last sent to make sure enough time has elapsed before I attempt to Tweet the packet again.

This is still a work in progress and there’s still some tweeking to do on the duplicate post detection and rate limiting, but while testing you can see the Tweets sent from my Twitter account @KK6DCT_Packet.

Here’s an example of the packets currently being Tweeted:

Building a Spring Boot RestController to search Redis

I’ve just started taking a look at using Redis. I wondered what it would look like to build a simple REST interface with Spring Boot. Spring Data Redis makes this pretty simple.

First up, you need to configure a @Bean in your @SpringBootApplication class (full source is on github here):

RedisTemplate<String, Object> redisTemplate() {
  RedisTemplate<String, Object> template = new RedisTemplate<String, Object>();

  // these are required to ensure keys and values are correctly serialized
  template.setKeySerializer(new StringRedisSerializer());
  template.setHashValueSerializer(new GenericToStringSerializer<Object>(Object.class));
  template.setValueSerializer(new GenericToStringSerializer<Object>(Object.class));
  return template;

This is connecting with default settings to a locally running Redis.

Wire up a RedisTemplate into a Controller like this:

public class RedisRestController {

  private RedisTemplate<String, Object> template;

  public RedisResult getSingleValue(@PathVariable("key") String key){
    String value = (String)this.template.opsForValue().get(key);
    RedisResult result = new RedisResult(key, value);
    return result;

and this is a bare minimum to get started, but shows how easy it is to get stuff up and running with Spring Boot and other projects like Spring Data.

Send a GET to /singlekey/ with a key value and json for the result is returned.

Spring Boot RestController Error: “No converter found for return value of type”

Spring Boot RestControllers by default can return a Pojo class as the return result from a mapped request method, and it is converted into a Json result. I’ve run into this issue before though, and it’s not immediately obvious what’s wrong: ‘No converter found for return value of type’ :

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No converter found for return value 
of type: class kh.springboot.redis.domain.RedisResult
at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation
.writeWithMessageConverters( ~[spring-webmvc-4.3.6.RELEASE.jar:4.3.6.RELEASE]

My returned class from my @GetMapping method is just a simple Pojo:

public class RedisResult {

private String key;
private String value;

public RedisResult(String key, String value) {
  this.key = key;
  this.value = value;

And my @RestController is a simple controller with a single @GetMapping (in this case I’m building a REST endpoint to query key values from Redis using Spring Data Redis RedisTemplate:


public class RedisRestController {

  private RedisTemplate template;

  public RedisResult getSingleValue(@PathVariable("key") String key){
    String value = (String)this.template.opsForValue().get(key);
    RedisResult result = new RedisResult(key, value);
    return result;

If you’ve found my post because you have this same issue, before you go down the rabbit hole adding additional Maven dependencies or additional annotations you think might be missing, the reason is usually that your Pojo class you are returning doesn’t have any public getter methods. For each property in your Pojo you want returned in your Json, make sure you have a public getter.

This is discussed in this StackOverflow post here.