Update January 2022: Since writing this official release versions are now available with MacOS AArch64 builds for M1 Macs from the main downloads page: https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/
From the official Eclipse downloads page as of 10/31/21 there aren’t any M1 builds ready for download. However, following the comments on this bug/feature request, there have been daily builds for M1 it looks like for some time. The daily builds are available here.
I downloaded the latest stable build from here:
Double-clicking the downloaded .dmg and then dragging the Eclipse app into Applications is all that was needed to install. Done!
Would the current intel version of Eclipse and Java not be ok via Rosetta2 ?
Probably would run fine. The only app I’ve run on Rosetta so far has been the Intel version of Skype and it ran flawlessly for a video call. You’d never know it wasn’t a native app. Quite astonishing really.
Would it still run if you then dragged it out of applications into another folder. I have multiple versions of Eclipse so I don’t currently run them from the Applications folder.
I’ve always had multiple copies like that too in an ‘Eclipse IDEs’ folder in my user folder. Try it and see, I don’t see why it wouldn’t work if not in the Applications folder?
I will try it but my M1 hasn’t arrived yet 🙂
Just try with Aarch64 on Mac M1 https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/
Thanks, the links to the aarch64 builds were not available when I initially wrote this. Now they’re available, no need to use the daily builds just to get an aarch64 build at this point. Thanks!
The Aarch64 on worked for my M1.
The only issue for me was that the arm version of Eclipse comes with Java 17 but the JasperReports Studio plugin won’t work with that. I just have to use the x86 bundled version of Eclipse/Jasper Studios for report design. WindowBuilder and my other requirements all seem to work.
Is it possible to get an older version of eclipse 2019-09 to work on an apple m1? not having any success….although can get newer versions….
Do you need an older version of Eclipse or an older Java version? Given that most Intel Mac apps seem to run ok under Rosetta, and older version may (of either) may work?