I spent some time a while back getting up to speed with unit test approaches with AngularJS, but it’s been a while and I need to retrace my steps to pick it up again.
For (my) future reference, here’s a list of the notes I had before:
- https://www.kevinhooke.com/2015/04/18/simplest-angularjs-service-and-a-jasmine-unit-test/
- https://www.kevinhooke.com/2015/04/12/setting-up-karma-and-jasmine-unit-testing-for-an-angularjs-app/
- https://www.kevinhooke.com/2015/04/15/using-mocks-with-jasmine-tests-for-angularjs/
To pick this up again, here’s my reading list of some useful articles to review: