Compiling and linking ASM on the Pi

Couple of quick notes as a reminder. I’ll come back with some further notes of using a cross-compiler tool chain with Eclipse C/C++ when I have time:

Compile to object code:

as example.s -o example.o

Link to an executable:

ld -o example example.o

Writing Raspberry Pi disk images to SD cards on the Mac

Just as the dd command can be used to create a disk image of an SD card on the Mac (see here), you can use dd to write a downloaded (or backup) disk image to an SD card too:

sudo dd of=/dev/rdiskx if=/path/to/image bs=1m

where x is the disk number as shown by diskutils list.

How can you backup your SD cards for your Raspberry Pi?

Given that SD cards have a limited lifetime for writes, using an SD card for a harddrive for Pi may not be the smartest idea in terms of reliability or longevity, so asking how you back up your SD card is a good question. There’s some good answers here.

Specifically on the Mac, find out the disk number of the attached sd card with :

diskutil list

then use the dd command:

dd if=/dev/rdiskx of=/path/to/image bs=1m

where x is the disk number listed from diskutil.

Raspberry Pi Raspbian wifi dongle network config

There’s probably many ways you could configure a similar setup to this, but here’s what worked for me.

This is for static IP on wired, and a different static IP on wireless, where the wireless is using WPA2. I also have two different routers one for wired and for one wireless. Replace static_ip_here with your required ip addresses, and x and y with the IP addresses for your routers.

Edit /etc/network/interfaces:

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
iface eth0 inet static
address 192.168.1.static_ip_here
gateway 192.168.1.x

allow-hotplug wlan0
iface wlan0 inet static
address 192.168.0.static_ip_here
gateway 192.168.0.y
wpa-ssid "your_ssid"
wpa-psk "your passphrase"
wpa-pairwise CCMP
wpa-group CCMP