Creating an OS X El Capitan install flash drive

Format the USB Flash Drive using Disk Utils:

The volume name in the next step is /Volumes/name-you-gave-the-volume-in-the-first-step.

Copy install files to the Flash Drive using createinstallmedia:

To boot from the flash drive, reboot your Mac holding down the Option key and the choose the icon for the flash drive.

Changing your git client password to on OS X / adding Personal Access Token for git client

Just ran into this as I had changed my account password a few days back, and the approach to change your password for your git client on OS X is not that obvious. At the same time I enabled Two Factor Authentication for my github account. When using with a command-line git client, this also requires generating a Personal Access Token and passing it with your authentication.

Instructions in this post here – you need to change your password in the Keychain Access app.

Create a Personal Access Token following steps here.

Next, when adding a remote for the repo, pass the token like this:

git remote add github

Now when you push to the remote repo, you’ll be authenticated with your token, and should be all set.


Shell scripting notes – searching matching filenames and matching content

Some random shell scripting notes for future reference:

On OS X: find -E . -regex ‘pattern’

  • -E specifies extended regex support

On Linux flavors: find . -regextype posix-regex -regex ‘pattern’

Posix vs basic vs extended regex character class differences.

Pipe result to newfile > : eg grep ‘pattern’ file > output.txt

Pipe result appending to file > : eg grep ‘pattern’ file >> output.txt

Capture output as String? : $(some expression)

Iterate files:

for f in some-file-pattern or something producing a list of files
do ... done

Use find . -name ‘pattern’ to recurse matching files down subdirs

Find with a regex for multiple patterns:

find -E . -regex ".*ext1|.*ext2|.*ext3"

first line of file:

head -n 1 filename

grep -o : only display match

Match patterns in file and output matches or matched groups:

Match files, patterns in files, and pipe matches to file: