Deploying a Maven-based web project from Eclipse

Here’s the problem: you start with a Web project in Eclipse, created via one of the Wizards. At some point you convert it to a Maven project, but when you deploy the project from Eclipse, your web content in /src/main/webapp is not deployed, because Eclipse is not aware of the Maven folder structure.

I’ve done this multiple times in the past and usually work out a way to build a ear/war and manually deploy it to my server or via a script instead, because I can’t work out how to get a converted project to deploy in Eclipse 🙂

The magic to get this to work is to add the maven-war-plugin to your Maven pom.xml file:



Adding jars to your OpenShift remote Maven repo

If your OpenShift app has dependencies on other Jars that are not publicly available in the usual maven repos (for example, other Jars from your own projects), you can push them to your remote Maven repo used when your app builds remotely.

Commit the jar in the root of your OpenShift project.

Edit .openshift/action_hooks/pre_build and add the following, updating Jar name etc:

mvn install:install-file --debug -Dfile=../../YourProjectName/runtime/repo/YourJarName.jar
  -DgeneratePom=true -DartifactId=YourArtifactName -Dversion=0.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar

Commit your changes and push to OpenShift – the jar will get installed to your remote repo, and now you can add a Maven dependency against it in your project’s pom.xml.

Useful Database Maven dependencies

MySql Connector:






Java EE7 Maven Dependency against Glassfish 4.x snapshot builds

Since upcoming changes and new features for EE7 are not yet published to Maven Central, you can build against the snapshot builds in the repository. Add this to your pom.xml to add a reference to the repo:

<name> Snapshot Repository for Maven</name>

To add dependencies against EE7 features, add a dependency to a latest Glassfish 4.0-x snapshot build which already includes early versions for some of the new EE7 features:
