UTM frontend for QEMU on M1 MacBook Pro: Creating a VM and installing Windows 98 (part 2 – MSCDEX driver issue resolved)

A while back I was playing with UTM to setup an x86 VM on my M1 MacBook to install Windows 98 from an iso. I got as far as booting and starting the install but then ran into issue with the MSCDEX driver on subsequent boots during the install where it would no longer see …

Windows 11, the TPM2.0 requirement and Asus AMD chipset motherboards

Microsoft officially announced Windows 11 today. There was the usual online comparisons between the announced features and other comparable features in MacOS and Linux, like the centered Task Bar that now looks suspiciously like how MacOS’s Dock has looked for, well, years. In the tech requirements though, there is an unusual detail – Windows 11 …