Deploying a Spring Boot app to AWS Elastic Beanstalk with the eb cli

Deploying a Spring Boot app to AWS Elastic Beanstalk is relatively easy using the eb cli tool, if you’re prepared to accept some defaults as part of the deploy. It’s probably possible to configure/customize IAM roles, Security Groups etc, but accepting the defaults is an easy way to deploy during development.

To initialize a new Elastic Beanstalk deployment, run in the root of your Spring Boot source folder:

eb init

Before creating the environment and deploying your app, edit the .elasticbeanstalk/config.yml that the previous step creates, to configure the built app jar to be deployed, by adding this section:

artifact: target/your-app-jar-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

To create a single dev/test env with no load balancing:

eb create --single

To tear down the deployed ec2 instance running your Spring Boot app:

eb terminate

Service Port Configuration

By default, Beanstalk services are deployed on port 5000. Since Spring Boot apps are on port 8080 by default, the quickest way to configure Spring Boot to accept incoming requests on port 5000 is to edit the ‘Updates, monitoring and logging’ section and add a new env var for Spring Boot to reconfigure to use port 5000 instead (this is described here)

Added new env var SERVER_PORT=5000:

Skipping tests during Maven phases

If you’re running a Maven phase/goal and need to skip the execution of tests (because they’re temporarily failing), add one of the following options:

mvn -DskipTests phasename
mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true phasename

Normally you’d only continue with the build if the tests are passing, but sometimes you may have a valid reason to force the build to continue regardless.

These options are covered in the Maven docs here.

AWS Lambda – querying and updating the Lambda runtime with the AWS CLI

In a previous post I used jq to parse the responses from the aws cli for Lambdas to search for or parse the results for specific property values. Querying Lambda properties can also be done via the aws cli itself without using jq (although using jq is significantly more powerful).

If you’ve received an email from AWS about runtimes that are reaching End of Life, the emails usually contain an example use of the cli showing how to query for specific runtimes, for example:

aws lambda list-functions --function-version ALL --region us-west-1 --output text --query "Functions[?Runtime=='nodejs14.x'].FunctionArn"

The long term solution for upgrading a runtime should be to redeploy and test with the latest runtime and then redeploy your production value after testing. It is possible for a quick fix to update the runtime of a deployed Lambda directly via the aws cli. Once you’ve identified which Lambdas need to update, use this command to update:

aws lambda update-function-configuration --function NAME --runtime RUNTIMENAME