Kubernetes: can’t schedule a pod on master node

Attempting to run a pod on the master and get this error: Warning  FailedScheduling  14m (x2 over 14m)  default-scheduler  0/1 nodes are available: 1 node(s) had taints that the pod didn’t tolerate. From issue here: you can configure the master node to run pods with: kubectl taint nodes –all node-role.kubernetes.io/master-

My software development blog posts from 2018: AWS, Twitter bots, Machine Learning, Docker, Kubernetes and more!

Looking back, I’ve investigated and played with a lot of interesting stuff this year, I was pretty busy 🙂 Early in the year I was doing a lot of experimenting with AWS as part of my prep for the AWS Solution Architect Associate exam, so a lot of my posts this year were AWS related, …

Next steps: From NGINX WordPress and MySQL running on Docker, to Kubernetes

This website running this blog has been running in Docker containers on a small-ish 4GB VPS for the past 9 months pretty much issue free. You can follow by journey to migrate this site to Docker in posts here and here. Since I’ve been spending time recently getting up to speed with Kubernetes, the next …

AWS EKS: Kubernetes clusters provisioned with CloudFormation templates

AWS was the last of the major cloud providers to offer a managed Kubernetes service (GA announced June this year). All the others have already had offerings up and available for some time (Google Kubernetes Engine – GKE, Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Service – AKS, IBM Cloud Kuberenetes Service, even Oracle Cloud have their Container Engine …