Gates and Balmer: Nothing new about Google Chrome OS. Really? What’s so new with Windows nowdays?

Gates and Balmer surprise me. Well I guess they shouldn’t because their reactions are quite predictable. They’re saying that there’s nothing new about Google’s Chrome OS – it’s just another Linux distro. The thing is, when can you look back at Microsoft’s wonderful offerings to the tech world and say ‘wow, that’s something new’? Windows …

Eclipse Callisto release candidate – everything including the kitchen sink

Callisto is a simulaneous release of 10 related Eclipse projects that cover pretty much everything you would ever desire to do within your IDE. The list includes the Eclipse platform itself, plus a whole collection of other major plugins, covering: modelling, testing, J2EE development, profiling and visual development (UI). Timothy O’Brien has an article on …

Balmer on Google: If you can’t beat ’em, kill ’em

In a bizarre recent court case against a Kai-Fu Lee, a prior Microsoft executive who left Microsoft to join Google, Balmer is quoted to have vowed to ‘kill’ Google CEO Eric Schmidt. In a transcript of a conversation between Balmer and Lucovsky, another previous Microsoft employee who recently left Microsoft to join Google, Balmer is …