AOL rumored to be developing next Netscape browser release

AOL, the owners of Netscape since 1999, are rumored to be working on a new release of the Netscape browser. An annoucement of the strategy is expected in December/January. This is an unusual move because AOL have not leveraged the Netscape brand for a long time, and have recently favored Microsoft’s Internet Explorer as the default browser with their AOL portal internet access.

The Netscape browser was created 10 years ago today!

IBM announce Websphere 6.0

IBM have announced version 6.0 of their flagship application server, Websphere.

The next release is stated to have improvements across the board, and doesn’t include any one major new change, but rather offers improvements in Web Service support and SOA support.

New versions of WebSphere Studio Site Developer and WebSphere Studio Application Developer are also scheduled to be available by the end of this year. The products will be renamed Rational Web Developer for WebSphere Software and Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Software.

Hibernate in Action review on Slashdot

Slashdot have a good review on the excellent book, Hibernate in Action, written by Gavin King and Christian Bauer.

The review is similar to my own impressions – the book is an excellent read and is well thought out, covering background information and useful examples that make the bok easy to read and follow.

This is probably the best technical book I’ve read (ie meaning actually read from cover to cover, rather than just used as reference material) for a long time. All too often technical books are a regurgitation of the API, or are just too dull to be actually ready as a book.

This book is definitely a recommended purchase for anyone already working with or considering working with Hibernate.