I’ve posted before some ‘interesting’ scenery rendering issues in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, but here’s a few more flying around New York Staten Island area.
First up, here’s the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge in FSX:

Notice also in FSX you’ve got full water wake effects landing on water, something not implemented yet in FS2020.
Here’s the same bridge in FS2020:

… you can’t fly under most bridges yet in FS2020, but rendering them as a solid wall underneath the bridge is one way of making that obvious.
I love the large dock cranes rendered as solid objects in FS2020 – here’s some cranes in Port Newark in FS2020:

… and the same view in FSX:

… notice fully rendered crane objects, and the detail in the container ships.
More to come, but loving these rendering issues in FS 2020 so far 🙂
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