Artima: Questions on EJB3.0 spec

There is a post on the Artima site collecting questions for an upcoming interview with Linda DeMichiel, co-spec lead for JSR 220, Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0.

Although there aren’t many questions there so far, the interview should be an interesting read once they’ve collected some questions.

Holub on Microsoft: “Microsoft to retire Windows in early 2007”

Allen Holub has a hilarious column in the April 1st copy of SD Times titled “The End of the World as We Know it”, in which Gates is quoted as having seen the light after buying a Mac OS X MacBook Pro, and announces that it’s pointless to continue with development of Windows since Mac OS X is so far superior to Windows in terms of stability and usability.

Not only this, but Gates admits they’ve been pushing bad programming practices for years with MFC and .NET, plus Visual Basic was the biggest mess of a language ever developed, and therefore all Microsoft products will be rewritten in Java.

This is a great article… 🙂 I couldn’t find a link to it online, but check in the back of the paper edition is you have one laying around (sorry I know this is old news, but I only just picked up my copy and started reading it…)

Microsoft to raise R&D budget by $2billion next year

Gates has already said that he considers Google to be ‘a worthy adversary’, but in order to close the gap between the innovation and new development coming from Google, Microsoft has announced it will be increasing spending (presumably on research and development) by $2 billion next year.

Microsoft’s new IE release has annoyed Google, since it includes a search input field on the toolbar to allow users to search MSN – this is typically where the search input field is placed (or close to) if a user is used to using Firefox, or a browser toolbar plugin in IE, such as the one from Google or Yahoo. Google has made informal complaints with the US Justice Department and EC Anti-trust authorities.