McNealy steps down as Sun CEO

Scott McNealy has stepped down as CEO of Sun Microsystems, after 22 years. He will be replaced by President, Jonathan Schwartz.

Sun’s stock has long been bumping along at the $3 – 4 dollar level for the last few years, and I hope Schwartz has what it takes to bring the company back to profitability. For a company that has done so much for software development in terms of creating Java and being a steward for it’s evolution, it’s about time they starting reaping the rewards of their efforts.

Beating Microsoft with online apps

The current thinking for the 'next new trend' is web-delivered applications. Not your typical online apps that we have today, but office apps – word processing, spreadsheets.

Microsoft have already annouced that this is the direction they are heading in, and so might others be, expecially if Google's purchase of the company behind web-based word processor 'Writely' is any indication.

Silicon Valley Sleuth in this blog post is thinking that Google has what it takes to beat Microsoft at it's own game.