Paul Allen’s Living Computer Museum computer collection being auctioned by Christies – last day tomorrow (12/9/24)

Paul Allen’s computer collection that was previously on display at the Living Computer Museum in Seattle is currently under auction by Christies – the last day to pick up your own DEC PDP-10, IBM 7090 Mainframe or many other historical computers is tomorrow (12 Sept 2024).

The museum has been closed since COVID, and Paul Allen’s estate have decided to sell off the collection. Many of the machines are in working order and were maintained by the museum, so hopefully the machines will find new homes where this computer history can be experienced by many in the future.

Installing a mouse driver in DOS 6.22

DOS didn’t originally come with mouse drivers. or similarly came on a disk with your Microsoft PS/2 mouse or similar.

If you’re looking for a current mouse driver for DOS on old PCs or running in a VM, I just found an open source project CuteMouse recommended and it works great with DOS 6.22 running under UTM/QEMU