Searching for available install packages on Debian / Raspbian / Ubuntu (Installing Java on a Raspberry Pi Zero)

On Linux distros that use apt package manager, you can search for packages by name using:

sudo apt search package-name

I’m looking to install a supported version of OpenJDK on a Raspberry Pi Zero, which has significantly less resources than a regular Pi and I believe is also an older ARM cpu version than current Pi 4 and 5.

Using ‘apt search’ for openjdk shows a number of 7, 8, 11 and 17 candidates, and also versions compiled specifically for the Pi Zero:

openjdk-17-jre-zero/oldstable-security 17.0.11+9-1~deb11u1 arm64
Alternative JVM for OpenJDK, using Zero

Raspberry Pi Zero for $5

The Raspberry Pi at just $35 I think is one of the most amazing things that has arrived in recent years, bringing low cost computing to schools and hobbyists.

Today however, the Raspberry Pi Foundation has announced the Pi Zero … for $5. Incredible!

If you’re in the UK and can pick up a copy of The MagPi magazine, there’s a free Pi Zero taped to the front cover…