I’ve got a mmdvm board (Multi-mode Digital Voice Modem) on order – it’s an Amateur Radio hotspot for digital voice modes, such as DSTAR and DMR. While waiting for it to arrive I’m collecting together some useful links to help with the setup and config.
Excellent high level overview of digital voice hot spots in general: https://www.toshen.com/ke0fhs/hotspots.htm
Pi-Star – hotspot control software for the mmdvm board: https://www.pistar.uk/
Pi-Star setup notes: https://www.toshen.com/ke0fhs/pi-star.htm
mmdvm hat assembly on Raspberry Pi: http://m0taz.co.uk/tag/mmdvm_hs-pi-hat/
ircDDB Android remote control app: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Qghl-wMikQ