Deploying a container to Google Cloud Run via gcloud cli

If you don’t already have one, create an Artifact Registry:

gcloud artifacts repositories create your-repo-name \
--repository-format=docker \
--location=europe-west2 \
--description="your-repo-description" \
--immutable-tags \

Authorize gcloud cli access to the registry in your region:

gcloud auth configure-docker

This adds config to $HOME/.docker/config.json, you can look in this file to see what GCP registries you have already authenticate with.

The image you’re deploying needs to listen on port 8080, and needs to be built for linux/amd64. If you’re building on an Apple Silicon Mac, build your image with:

docker build . --platform linux/amd64 -t image-tag-name 

Tag the image ready to push to your registry:

docker tag SOURCE-IMAGE


LOCATION = GCP region, e.g. europe-west2

Authenticate your local Docker with your GCP Artifact Repository:

gcloud auth configure-docker

Push your image to the Artifact Repository with:

docker push

After pushing you can browse your Artifact Registry in the Console and see your image there.

To deploy a new service using the image you just pushed:

gcloud run deploy gcp-nginx-test --project your-project-name --image

These steps are a summary of the Artifact Registry docs here, and the Cloud Run docs here.