In a minimal CentOS 7 install, there’s no ifconfig to check your network settings. Instead use
ip addr
More info here.
Articles, notes and random thoughts on Software Development and Technology
In a minimal CentOS 7 install, there’s no ifconfig to check your network settings. Instead use
ip addr
More info here.
Following on from my earlier article, I read some more about Proxmox running on a Mac Pro so decided to give it a go.
I added an empty drive into one of the spare bays, and then booted from the Proxmox installer.
After first boot and logon with the default root user to the web interface:
The first VM I want to create is for CentOS, and I have the iso ready to go on an attached usb drive, which I copied to the isos dir on Proxmox (/var/lib/vz/template/iso – defined storage locations for images are covered in answers to this post). The image now shows up on the local storage:
Creating a new VM based on this image:
Starting up the image and starting the CentOS install using the web-based vnc access:
… after completing the install, success!
I’m not sure what the deal is with Fedora 18 & 19 but the performance running under Virtual Box in Windows, regardless of how much memory you throw at the VM, really is unbearably slow. I had 18 installed for a while but haven’t used it for several months. I just fired it up again and it’s unusable. Downloaded 19 and started the install and it took a couple of hours. I might have something else going on on my laptop that slowing down the performance, but as it is it’s unusable.
I was looking for a RHEL derivative other than Oracle Linux since I wasn’t prepared wait to download the massive disk images which are several GB (really?!). I just realized though that CentOS is RHEL compatible. Very cool. Will download and see if it’s more usable under Virtual Box.