apt-get errors building Ubuntu based Docker images from old images

Turns out if you have an older base image downloaded locally and you try to rebuild your own image based on it a couple of years later, you could get errors running apt-get in your own Dockerfiles. I just got errors like this rebuilding an image that I first created 2 years ago: Err http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ …

Docker with remote servers

If you’re running Docker without TLS (hopefully never in production, for dev only), set DOCKER_HOST to host-ip:2375 and should should be good to go: export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://host-ip:2375 If you’re using TLS certs, point to 2376 on the remote machine and specify a path to the certs: export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://host-ip:2376export DOCKER_CERT_PATH=/path/to/certs Pass the –tlsverify param to ensure certs …

Running Oracle 19c in a Docker container: part 2: server up and running

Following on from my first attempt to get Oracle 19c running in a Docker container and running out of disk space in my VM, I increased the disk space to 40GB and restarted the steps to build the image. It took about 1.5hrs to complete building and doing the install into the image. Although building …