Generating tweets using a Recurrent Neural Net (torch-rnn)

Even if you’re not actively following recent trends in AI and Machine Learning, you may have come across articles by a researcher who experiments with training neural nets to generate interesting things such as: cooking recipesĀ – including culinary wisdom such as: Brown salmon in oil. Add creamed meat and another deep mixture recipe titles – …

Which Chat AIs are aware of incorrect facts in prompt questions, verses which generate wildly inaccurate responses?

The current Large Language Model (LLM) chat AIs like ChatGPT generate text using an input prompt or sample sentence, and generate text that follows in the same style as the input. These Chat AIs do not (currently) comprehend the questions being asked or understand the response text they generate, although the models currently do a …

Planning Twitter bot to Mastodon migration / updates – what do I have running right now?

The odd thing about personal bot projects is that after you’ve deployed them and they’re up and running, unless apis change and need to be updated, there’s not much needed to keep them running, if anything. Some of my first bots I deployed as AWS Lambdas I’ve had running several times a day for 5 …

UTM frontend for QEMU on M1 MacBook Pro: Creating a VM and installing Windows 98 (part 2 – MSCDEX driver issue resolved)

A while back I was playing with UTM to setup an x86 VM on my M1 MacBook to install Windows 98 from an iso. I got as far as booting and starting the install but then ran into issue with the MSCDEX driver on subsequent boots during the install where it would no longer see …