I’m setting up a test install of linbpq on Linbuntu 22.04. This is just a test install to play with the config.
Since linbpq is a 32 bit app, you need to add i386 32bit library support:
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 sudo apt-get update
./linbpq ./linbpq: error while loading shared libraries: libasound.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
To fix, install:
$ sudo apt-get install libasound2
Next error
./linbpq: error while loading shared libraries: libz.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
To fix this on I installed 32bit gcc:
$sudo apt-get install gcc:i386
At this point I was able to create a simple bpq32.cfg file to test telnet access, and I’m up an running:
SIMPLE LOCATOR=YOURLOCATOR ; Node locator NODECALL=YOURCALL-5 ; Node callsign NODEALIAS=YOURALIAS ; Node alias (6 characters max) LINMAIL ; Enable BBS LINCHAT ; Enable CHAT BBS=1 PORT PORTNUM=2 ID=Telnet Server DRIVER=Telnet CONFIG CMS=1 LOGGING=1 DisconnectOnClose=1 TCPPORT=8010 ;FBBPORT=8011 6300 HTTPPORT=9123 CMDPORT 63000 LOGINPROMPT=user: PASSWORDPROMPT=password: MAXSESSIONS=10 CTEXT=BPQ32 Telnet Server\nPress ? For list of commands \n\n USER=testuser,changepasswordhere,testuser,””,SYSOP ENDPORT APPLICATION 1,BBS,,YOURCALL-7,YOURBBSALIAS,255 APPLICATION 2,CHAT,,YOURCALL-8,YOURCHATALIAS,255