Docker and docker-machine usage notes

I’ve been playing on and off with Docker but not frequently enough to remember what I did last time, so here’s a few random unstructured notes (running on Mac OS X):

docker ps : list running containers (this shows a container id which is used in most other commands)

docker ps -a : show all containers including those that are stopped

If you see this:

Get http:///var/run/docker.sock/v1.20/containers/json: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: no such file or directory.
* Are you trying to connect to a TLS-enabled daemon without TLS?
* Is your docker daemon up and running?

Then your docker-machine is not running.

Start it up with:

docker-machine start default

After starting, run this to set env vars:

eval "$(docker-machine env default)"

Also see this post, and recommendation to use ‘Docker Quickstart Terminal’ on Mac.

Managing containers and images:

docker images : list created images

docker rm containerid : delete a container

docker rmi imageid : delete an image

Create a new container from an image, in interactive mode, grab the tty, and execute bash in the container (get a command line into the container):

docker run -it imageid bash

Run as background daemon: -d

To start a shell into a running container:

docker exec -it containerid sh (or bash)

Stop a running container:

docker stop containerid

To get the IP address of a container:

docker inspect containername | grep IPAddress

Accessing a container from the host

Each running container has it’s own IP address. When a container restarts, it gets a new IP. To access a container running in a docker-machine, find the IP of the docker-machine vm:

docker-machine ls

.. this will list the IP for the VM.

When creating a new container, forward the port in the container to the host with -p, for example for a Weblogic server:

docker run -d –expose:7001 -p 7001:7001 –name=containername imagename

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