So if you’re like me, at some point recently you got an Over-The-Air ROM update and noticed a blue tab appeared on your screen with a list of apps in it. I wish features like this would have some additional popup help. At first I thought this was nothing but a quick-link type of thing for your most used apps, but then I also noticed the ‘Multi-window’ feature that also appeared in the pull down menu. Still none the wiser, I only just recently came across an article here that explains how it works.
In short, you open your first app from the slide out drawer. Then, drag a second app from the drawer out into the middle of the screen, and you’ll notice the top or bottom half of the screen will highlight. When you release, you now have two windows with a dividing slider in between, and you have two apps running in the foreground. Huh, that’s pretty cool! Not useful all the time, but definitely handy if you want to compare something in email with something in your browser side by side at the same time. Very cool!