End of the world – Twitter clients will fail!

I love these stories about some app that will fail because of a number reaching it’s maximum or other similar ‘reaching the limits’ kinds of issues. Today the worry was that 3rd party Twitter apps would start working because the number of tweets on Twitter had reached the maximum of a signed 32bit Integer. End of the world? Not quite, but apparently a Twitter app on the iPhone has stopped working.

Missed JavaOne 2009? Here’s a wrapup from Sun

Here’s Sun’s wrapup from JavaOne 2009 this year.

In short here’s my own thoughts of the main highlghts – only a couple but this is what really stood out for me:

  • Java 7 and it’s modules system, plus no longer need the Classpath!
  • The continued push of JavaFX. Seeing more demos and getting into some code, I actually see the benefits of JavaFXScript now, and will be spending some time learning some more

What was the real purpose of Microsoft’s keynote at JavaOne?

I wasn’t at JavaOne this year on the day they had Microsoft there giving the keynote, but watching the recording of the session, one has to wonder what was their driving motivation to present at JavaOne in front of several thousand Java developers. Yes, I get it, interoperability is important, but Microsoft is the last company you’d think of if you mention the term interoperability.

Bearing in mind their repeated and well known ‘Embrace, Extend, Extinguish’ strategy which they already tried with Java once before with J++ and the Windows Foundation Classes, which failed miserably, one can only be suspicious and wonder what they are up to. Have they really reached a point where they are so worried about the increasing popularity and momentum behind the Java platform that there was a ‘you better send someone down to JavaOne this month to talk to those Java developers’ moment in Redmond? I’m sure we’ll never find out the real reason behind their appearance at JavaOne this year, but based on their prior attempts to kill off Java because it was seen as a threat to Microsoft, this presentation only makes me want to avoid anything Microsoft related like the plague. ‘We come in peace’ – yeah right, I’m sure you do.