Using pagination with Controller action other than the default list

By default ‘list’ pages are generated to use the <paginate> tag, and this invokes the list action to retrieve the next set of results.

If you are using an action other than the default list action, include the action="" attribute on the tag to use an alternative action method:

<code>&lt;g:paginate action="${listType}" total="${Purchase.count()}" /&gt;</code>

In the above example the action method is the result of a value set from the previous action method to indicate which action method is to be used.

Linking to other actions from a view page

Use the <g:link> tag to link to another action. For example:

To link to ‘someAction’ in the same controller being used to handle this current view page, passing an id:

<code>&lt;g:link action="someAction" id="${}"&gt;</code>

If the action is in a different controller, then specify the controller as well:

<code>&lt;g:link action="someAction" controller="OtherControlller" id="${}"&gt;</code>

Top 50 most influential people on the Web today

This is an interesting list on – ‘The 50 Most Important People on the Web’.

The list is particularly interesting because the big commercial names are there like you’d expect, Brin and Page of Google, and Steve Jobs, but also there are a number of people behind the ‘social networking’ type websites that are leading the way in the ‘Web 2.0’ trend – for example, Jimmy Wales, founder of Wikipedia, Craig Newmark, founder of Craig’s List, even Kevin Rose, founder of gets a mention (not far behind big names like Bezos and Ray Ozzie.

PS3 Web Browser with page zooming – now an incredible web browsing experience from your living room

I was initially disappointed with the PS3’s build in web browser since on my great Sony 46″ XBR2 in 1080p most websites were completely unreadable unless you stood 2 feet in front of the screen. At some point however, and hardly publisized (but maybe added in the latest 1.54 firmware upgrade) the browser now supports a zoom feature. Holding down the square button and pressing R2 to zoom in or L2 to zoom out, you can zoom in to any degree you like on any page. This is completely awesome on any page that was previously unreadable. The amazing thing is it zooms in on any content in the page, so if you are viewing a video on YouTube for example you can zoom in and reposition the page so you can fill your whole screen with the video (yes I know the zoom to full screen browser was fixed on the YouTube Flash player a while back, but when it opens the second browser fullscreen there seems to be a longer delay before the page starts loading). Completely awesome.

At this point the PS3 is an awesome living room web browser, enabling viewing of any website from your sofa on your new HD flatscreen…