This first article is very short and simplistic and introduces how easy it can be to use AOP to mark up a POJO and have it run as a Session Bean at runtime on the App Server.
This article introduces AOP support in a framework I have not come across yet called Genesis – something else to add to my research list for my spare time.
I can’t help thinking though that this example looks very similar to the upcoming J2SE5.0 supported annotation which are going to be heavily used in EJB3.0. If I were going to start looking at this then I think it would be more worth my time starting to look at the EJB3.0 preview implementation by JBoss, which they have freely available on their site. According to their docs this is an almost complete implementation of the current EB3.0 draft spec, so this would be well worth looking at now to get up to speed before thie latest J2EE major change hits the streets in all the latest App Servers.