EE6 and EE7 Maven deps for JBoss AS7 and WildFly8

For EE7 on WildFly8.x, use:

Full profile:


Web profile:


For EE6 on JBoss AS7.x, use:


Info from JBoss’s EE spec Git repo here and referenced from this question here.

EE6 @Schedule Timer Service on JBoss AS 7.1

It seems that @Schedule methods won’t execute on JBoss AS7.1 unless you specify at least both the hours and minutes values on the scheduled method.

For example, to execute a method every 30 seconds:

public void doSomething() { ...}

Doesn’t execute, but if you include hours and minutes wildcards too then it does:

@Schedule(hour="*", minute-="*", second="*/30")
public void doSomething() { ...}