Weblogic Portal 10.3.6 generic installer on Mac OS X – Insufficient Disk Space error

Trying to use the portal103_generic.jar installer on Mac OS X 10.11.1 gives this error even though you have plenty of free space:

A quick Google turns up this question and answer. Quick fix, run passing this option: -Dos.name=unix, so:

java -Dos.name=unix -jar portal103_generic.jar

Although others reported this avoided the issue, I then got this issue instead:

Exception in thread "chmodFile" java.lang.Error: Unix is not a supported OS platform.
 at java.lang.UNIXProcess$Platform.get(UNIXProcess.java:164)

Following additional suggestion here, using -Dspace.detection=false instead avoided the issue.

Microsoft offers to buy your old PC and Mac gear to encourage upgrades to Windows 10

Microsoft really want you to upgrade. Not content with ‘accidentally‘ forcing upgrades on some Windows 7 and 8 users that hadn’t upgraded yet, apparently they have an old equipment trade in program if you buy a new PC running Windows 10. You can get upto $200 for an old laptop, but for a MacBook you can get $300. Really? Microsoft values old Macs more than old PCs. You’d have to give me far more than $300 to trade in even an older MacBook. How about buy me a new MacBook Pro, throw in the Windows Sourface for free, and then when I’m convinced I really don’t like Windows then I still have a new MBP. That sounds like an awesome deal.