Migrating from Mastodon botsin.space: self-hosted vs hosting service alternatives

Given the news that the bot-friendly Mastodon instance https://botsin.space/home is shutting down, I need to decide what my next steps should be for the bots that have accounts on that instance:

  • abandon them
  • migrate their accounts to another Mastodon instance or somewhere else like BlueSky
  • setup and run my own Mastodon instance
  • pay for a hosted Mastodon instance

Developing bots is a fun personal project to get up to speed with developing and running services in the cloud, so even if I don’t continue running my current bots, it’s likely I’ll deploy something else bot-related in the future, so I’m most likely going to migrate them somewhere.

I’ve already migrated a few of my bots from Twitter to Mastodon, and now faced with another move, the option of running my own Mastodon instance seems more appealing than relying on someone else’s instance that may or may not be running months from now. Given that I already host other things in the cloud, including this blog, I thought I’d give it a go to setup a Docker based Mastodon instance. The source project provides Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml so I thought it would probably be relatively easy. The docs look more detailed for installing on a bare OS though, so it’s not as obvious what you need to do to configure an instance to get it up and running successfully.

I followed multiple guides which all seem to cover various different parts of the install and setup, these two were the most comprehensive:

Despite following these guides, I ran into many, many issues, and as I found solutions I started putting together my own step by step guide below. Several times I discovered that the issues I was running into was because there was an additional step I needed to run first that wasn’t mentioned elsewhere, and even though I found work arounds it was easier to throw the install away and start fresh adding the step(s) I’d missed before.

The tl;dr conclusion

After spending a few hours over several days, I got to the point of having an instance up and running on GCP, but an e2-small instance was too slow, and while upgrading to a e2-medium ran ok, at that point that instance type would have been too expensive for a hobby project to leave up 24×7. Even though it was up and running I couldn’t seem to search for or follow anyone on another instance, or get any relays successfully added.

To run a self-hosted instance I’d also need an SMTP service as well for notification emails, so I decided that the cheapest ‘Moon’ hosting plan from https://masto.host/ would be more than for my projects, so I’ve set up my own instance with them. Sign up was effortless, and my own instance was up and running in a couple of minutes – it’s at: https://mastodon.kevinhooke.com/home

docker-compose Mastodon setup steps:

As explained above, despite getting to the point of a running server, it still had issues that I didn’t want to spend more time investigating, so I’ll leave these notes here in case they’re useful for someone else running into similar issues, but please take these with a grain of salt and no guarantee that you’ll get a working server as result.

  1. Clone the mastdon repo
  2. cp .env.production.sample .env.production
  3. Run secret generation steps from comments in .env.production and paste generated values into .env.production, using
docker compose run --rm web bin/rails db:encryption:init

and (run this one twice for SECRET_KEY_BASE and OTP_SECRET):

docker compose run --rm web bundle exec rails secret


docker compose run --rm web  bundle exec rails mastodon:webpush:generate_vapid_key

4. Replace any localhost references with the name of the Docker container in .env.production, for example:


5. Run the db setup step:

docker compose run --rm web  bundle exec rails db:setup

I’d previously missed this step and so managed to get the db setup via several manual steps – skip these if you run db:setup instead: run psql in the db service container and manually create a mastodon user:


Run the db:create script. If you get an error that the db already exists, run the db:migrate script.

Mounted Volume ownership

Within your mastodon dir, change the permissions on the following folders which get mounted as volumes.

For static content accessed by the web container:

sudo chown -R 991:991 public

For elasticsearch runtime data:

sudo chown -R 1000:root elasticsearch 

… this avoid error in the es logs about being unable to access the mounted volume (from here):

AccessDeniedException: /usr/share/elasticsearch/data/nodes

ElasticSearch vm.max_map_count error

bootstrap check failure [1] of [1]: max virtual memory areas vm.max_map_count [65530] is too low, increase to at least [262144]

ElasticSearch error in Admin page

Elasticsearch index mappings are outdated. Please run tootctl search deploy --only=instances tags

‘docker exec -it container-id bash’ into the web container and run to fix.

Post install setups

RAILS_ENV=production bin/tootctl accounts create \
alice \
--email alice@example.com \
--confirmed \
--role Owner


On starting up, if you get any database connection errors, check the previous step about replacing localhost with Docker container names:

Did you not create the database, or did you delete it? To create the database, run: bin/rails db:create

Installing and Configuring Atlassian Confluence with MySQL in Docker Containers

Atlassian Confluence is already available as a Docker Image from the Docker Hub but you still need to provide a database instance for a production setup. Let’s build a docker-compose file to create a container from this image together with a container running MySQL.

First,  per the docs on the Docker Hub page, create an external folder /data/confluence that will get mounted as a volume by the Container.

This is my first version to get this working (keep reading for refining this to include a JDBC driver)


version: ‘3’
image: atlassian/confluence-server
restart: always
– /data/confluence:/var/atlassian/application-data/confluence
– 8090:8090
– 8091:8091
build: ./mysql
restart: always
– MYSQL_DATABASE=confluence
– MYSQL_USER=confluence
– MYSQL_PASSWORD=your-password

After hitting your-ip:8090 for the first time, you can pick the ‘My own database’ option:

To connect to a MySQL db you need to drop a MySQL JDBC driver into /opt/atlassian/confluence/confluence/WEB-INF/lib so at this point we’ve got a couple of options. We could either copy the JDBC driver into the container (but since containers are ephemeral we’d lose this change if we started a new container from the image), or take a step back and rebuild the image including the driver:

The right thing to do would be to rebuild a custom image including the driver. So let’s do that.

Download the MySQL Connector driver from here.

Let’s commit it into our project and add a new Dockerfile to build a modified version of the official Confluence image, which is simply just these two lines:


FROM atlassian/confluence-server
COPY mysql-connector-java-5.1.46.jar /opt/atlassian/confluence/confluence/WEB-INF/lib


Update the docker-compose file to build this new image instead of using the provided one from Docker Hub. Replace:


image: atlassian/confluence-server




build: ./confl-mysql


(or your corresponding name of your custom image containing the above Dockerfile)

Now when we startup this container and hit the app, the JDBC driver was recognized and we’re on to the next config page for our database connection params:

Entering our credentials and pressing Test, we’ve got an error about the default encoding:

To address this, the Confluence setup docs here describe editing the my.cnf file in MySQL, or alternatively I could pass params. The MySQL docs have a chapter on configuring and running MySQL in Docker, and this Q&A on Stackoverflow describes passing the optional params in a command section in your docker-compose file.

My first attempt was to add this:


build: ./mysql
restart: always
command: character-set-server=utf8 collation-server=utf8_bin

but the syntax was not quite right yet, resulting in the container startup in a restart loop, and this error appearing in the container logs:

/usr/local/bin/docker-entrypoint.sh: line 202: exec: character-set-server=utf8: not found

Reading docs for the command option, the command in the docker-compose file needs to be the command to start the app in the container as well as the optional params. So now I’m here:


build: ./mysql
restart: always
command: [mysqld, –character-set-server=utf8 –collation-server=utf8_bin]

Now we’re getting closer. Logs from my MySQL container and how showing:

ERROR: mysqld failed while attempting to check config

command was: "mysqld --character-set-server=utf8 --collation-server=utf8_bin --verbose --help"

mysqld: Character set 'utf8 --collation-server=utf8_bin' is not a compiled character set and is not specified in the '/usr/share/mysql/charsets/Index.xml' file

Some Googling made me realize each of the params is command separated,  so next update is:

build: ./mysql
restart: always
command: [mysqld, –character-set-server=utf8, –collation-server=utf8_bin]

and now we’ve got both containers starting up. The list of params should be updated to add all the optional params listed in the Confluence MySQL set up docs, otherwise you’ll get an error for each missing param. The complete list is:

command: [mysqld, --character-set-server=utf8, --collation-server=utf8_bin, --default-storage-engine=INNODB, --max_allowed_packet=256M, --innodb_log_file_size=2GB, --transaction-isolation=READ-COMMITTED, --binlog_format=row]

… and my VM has run out of diskspace, so time to expand my disk. Back shortly.

Ok, back. Restarted and now we’re in business:

Complete config and now the containers are up!

Configuring nginx to proxy REST requests across multiple Spring Boot microservices in Docker Containers

Using nginx to proxy requests across Docker containers is a common use case for nginx, and covered in many posts and articles. Trying to get it working from scratch is a not-so-trivial task. Following many articles, I got confused about whether I was needing to load balance requests across identical container instances, or whether I needed nginx to proxy requests across my different containers. I ran across quite a few configuration issues and challenges, but mostly I think because I didn’t understand what I was trying to do (and ended up with configuration trying to load balance and proxy at the same time which was not what I needed) 🙂

Articles like this one and this one show how to configure ‘upstream’ servers that you can load balance requests across. My understanding of this approach is that this is what you need if you have multiple server or container instances, and you want nginx to load balance across the instances. After a while of trying to get this configuration working what I realised I needed was just the proxy_pass config for nginx, telling it to proxy requests for a matching url to a given Spring Boot service in a container. This question captures this approach well.

To explore a typical configuration, I have 2 simple Spring Boot REST services, springbootservice1 and springbootservice2, each will be in their own Docker container. When run in individual containers, they are accessed via:




Without additional configuration to run them on different ports, as standalone Spring Boot services they can’t obviously be run on the same host at the same time. This would be trivial to do with just two services, but once you scale up this approach for many different services, managing different ports with manual configuration is not particularly practical.

Out of the box, docker lets you manage the exposes external ports easily when you ‘docker run’ a container with the ‘-p’ option. What I was interested in was a solution to run them in different containers, without manually defining and managing ports by hand, and to allow a web app to be able to call any of the services on port 80 so an app consuming these services has no need to know what ports the services are actually running on.

The Dockerfile for each looks like this (replace Service1 for Service2 for the second service):

#Official JDK8 Alpine-based image
FROM java:openjdk-8-alpine
ADD target/SpringBootService1-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar /opt/SpringBootService1-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-jar", "/opt/SpringBootService1-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar"]

The Dockerfile for nginx looks like this:

FROM nginx
RUN rm /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
COPY conf /etc/nginx
CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]

And here’s my config for nginx:

http {
 server {
   listen 80;
   location /service1 {
     proxy_pass http://springbootservice1:8080/service1/;
   location /service2 {
     proxy_pass http://springbootservice2:8080/service2/;
events { worker_connections 1024; }

The key part of this config is the proxy_pass config:

location /service1 { 
  proxy_pass http://springbootservice1:8080/service1/;

This takes incoming requests with a URI matching /service1 and proxies it to http://springbootservice1:8080/service1/ – in this case springbootservice1 is the default host name of the container running Service1. This is it’s default name from the docker-compose config which we’ll cover next. Note that the lack of trailing and trailing ‘/’s is relevant and important in order to match any incoming pattern and then forward that URI appended to the end of the target URI on the container service.

version: '3'
         build: ../nginx-loadbalancer
         #image: nginx-lb
             - "80:80"
             - springbootservice1
             - springbootservice2
             - springbootservice1
             - springbootservice2
         image: springbootservice1
             - "8080"
         image: springbootservice2
             - "8080"

To bring up all the contains in one go, ‘docker-compose up’ starts up all 3 containers, and now nginx handles requests on port 80 and proxies to the correct container based on the path. This approach could easily be scaled up to include more containers, but at some point it will become obvious with this configuration hardcoded in both the nginx.conf file and the docker-compose file, a better solution would be to use some kind of dynamic discovery of the containers as they become available. I’ll be investigating some options for this kind of approach next.

Building a multi-container Spring Boot and MongoDB webapp with Docker 1.12.x

I’ve spent a bunch of time playing with apps in single containers up until now and reached the point where I started to think about questions like:

“ok, so how is this done if you have an application with multiple services, where you may need to scale individual services but not others?”


“how does an app in one container talk to another container?”

Composing applications from multiple containers and handling the scaling I think this is the sweetspot for Kubernetes, but I don’t feel ready to ramp up quite that much just yet. Besides, with Docker 1.12 adding ‘swarm mode’ and with docker-compose, it’s looking like Docker has most of the tools you need to build and scale a multi-container app out of the box without adding additional tools to the stack.

So here’s where I started:

  • Container 1: Spring Boot app with JAX-RS RESTful endpoints
  • Container 2: MongoDB database
  • Container 3: Data volume container for MongoDB

As it turns out, this is doesn’t involve too much additional work than just building Dockerfiles for the individual containers and then wiring them together with a docker-compose.yml file.

Starting with each container, here’s the pretty simple Dockerfiles for each:

Spring Boot container:

FROM java:openjdk-8-alpine
ADD SpringBootAddressBook-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar /opt/SpringBootAddressBook-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-jar", "/opt/SpringBootAddressBook-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar"]


MongoDB container:
MongoDB can be run straight from the official dockerfiles on Docker Hub, using one container for the server and one for a data container – see the complete docker-compose file below.

Bringing it all together, here’s the Docker Compose file to orchestrate the containers together:

version: '2'
        image: mongo:3.2
        - /data/db
        entrypoint: /bin/bash
        image: mongo:3.2
            - mongodata
            - mongodata
        #kh: only specify internal port, not external, so we can scale with docker-compose scale
            - "27017"
        image: addressbook
            - mongo
            - MONGODB_DB_NAME=addressbook
            - 8080:8080
            - mongo

At this point, the group of containers can be brought up as a whole with:

docker-compose up

… and brought down with:

docker-compose down

You can individually scale any container with:

docker-compose scale containername=count

…. where count is the number of container instances to spin up.


So what if you want to add in a web frontend as a container too? Easy enough. Here’s an AngularJS frontend, served by nginx:

        image: docker-web-angularjs
            - "80"

Now, if we spin up multiple containers for the REST backend and the nginx frontend as well, we need a load balancer as well, right? Also easy, just add in haproxy:

        image: dockercloud/haproxy
            - addressbook
            - STATS_PORT=1936
            - STATS_AUTH="admin:password"
            - addressbook
            - web
            - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
            - 80:80
            - 1936:1936

I had noticed that the startup order of the containers was not always predictable, and sometimes the Spring Boot container would start before the MongoDB container was up. This can be fixed by adding the depends_on element. I’m not sure if I really needed to add all the dependencies that I did in order to force a very specific startup order, but this seems to work for me. The order I have in the complete docker-compose.yml is (from first to last):

  • mongodata (data container)
  • mongo
  • addressbook (REST backend)
  • web (AngularJS frontend)
  • haproxy

The complete source for the AddressBook backend is available in this project on github. The deploy-* folders contain the individual dockerfiles:
