I’m still learning what the different commands are, but here’s what I’ve worked out so far (some of this might be wrong, if so leave me a comment!)
- c callsign : connect to callsign
- c callsign1 via callsign2 : connect via some other station you can hear
- unproto name via call1, call2, etc : sets the routing list of stations where your want your packets to be sent when in conv mode (?)
- when you connect (c) direct to another station, you enter conv mode with that station
- conv: enter conv mode when not directly connected to another station (packets are broadcast to the stations in your unproto string)
- Ctrl-C : to exit conv mode, and get back to cmd: mode
- perm : write settings to eprom
Useful commands when connected to someone’s bbs:
- l : list all messages
- lm : list messages to me
- b : list broadcast messages
- s callsign : send message to callsign
- r # : read msg #
- b (bye) : exit