Second part of my notes learning AngularJS (first part is here).
Angular handles multiple views in your Single Page Application by adding the ng-view directive at the point where you want your views inserted, e.g.
<div ng-view></div>
The logic to handle URL hash fragments is implemented using $routeProvider to map view template and controller pairs with each hash fragment that your app recognizes. For example:
var simpleApp = angular.module('SimpleApp', [ "ngRoute", "SimpleControllers" ]); simpleApp.config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) { $routeProvider. when('/', { templateUrl: 'page1.html', controller: 'Page1Controller' }). when('/page2', { templateUrl: 'page2.html', controller: 'Page2Controller' }). when('/page3', { templateUrl: 'page3.html', controller: 'Page3Controller' }). otherwise({ redirectTo: '/' }); }]);
An example working app is here: