What happened to the proliferation of Java web frameworks from the early 2000s?

Back in the early 2000s if you were a Java developer working on building web apps, chances are you were using Apache Struts. It was the de facto, go-to web framework of it’s time, pretty much used everywhere by everyone (it was even noticeable online for it’s pattern of using ‘*.do’ URLs for its Actions). …

Updating my AWS Lambda Sudoku Solver to generate new puzzles (part 1)

Having spent some time in the past building an implementation of Donald Knuth’s Algorithm X in Java to solve Sudoku Puzzles, I recently wondered what it would take to modify it to generate new puzzles. If you missed my previous posts on this investigation, see: It turns out having a working solver is part of …

AWS S3 error: “The bucket you are attempting to access must be addressed using the specified endpoint”

Most errors on AWS are explicit and self explanatory, but once in a while you run into something that tells you something went wrong, but not how to fix it. When setting up an S3 bucket to serve a static website, I got this error being returned as 301s for referenced files: <Error><Code>PermanentRedirect</Code><Message>The bucket you …