Raspbian fsck fails on boot

I used

sudo touch /forcefsck

to set my Pi to run a fsck at boot, but it failed with this message:

"An automatic check (fsck) of the root filesystem failed. A manual fsck must 
be performed, then the system restarted. The fsck should be performed in 
maintenance mode with the root filesystem mounted in read-only mode"

I ran  sudo fsck /dev/mmcblk0p2 – there was a couple of errors that required a ‘y’ to fix, and then it completed. Rebooted, and back to normal. Similar discussion on this message here.

Setting up an automated Raspberry Pi broadband speed monitor

Based on this Make article:


Grab the scripts:

sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo pip install speedtest-cli
git clone https://github.com/HenrikBengtsson/speedtest-cli-extras.git

Create an IFTTT account and add the ‘If Maker then Google Drive‘ recipe to your account. This step deserves further investigation… this is an incredibly easy way to integrate access to online accounts (Twitter, Facebook, Google etc) and trigger writing messages to them via a REST based api call. Very, very cool.

After you’ve done the above, while logged on to IFTTT, click Channels in the top right, find the Maker channel and click it, and you’ll find your secret key value to use in the next script.

Copy script from this Gist, modify to add your secret key from above setup:


At this point you can follow the other steps in the Maker article to set up to run the script using cron, and you’re all set!

Raspberry Pi /boot/config.txt for LG E2341 monitor

Each time I setup a new Pi or SD Card, I have to go back and find what /boot/config.txt settings I used last time to get HDMI working with my LG 2341 monitor, so for reference (ymmv), here’s the settings I uncommented or added:


