What’s new in Java EE 5.0?

Want an overview of what’s coming up in Java EE 5.0? Sun have an article on their site which gives an introduction to the changes and new features in EE 5.0.

The main and most significant change is the introduction of the vastly ‘new and improved’ EJB 3.0 spec, which with it’s use of Java SE 5.0 annotations and the complete rewrite of how EJB Beans are implemented goes a long way to simplify EJB development.

Google Desktop security risk

Google have admitted that there is a risk, similar to sending information by email, with their new Google Desktop 3. The problem lies with a new feasture ‘Search across Computers’ feature from the desktop app that transfers information from your PC back to Google servers in order to consolidate information and allow you to search for related information across more than one PC (presumably you would ibly enable this for searching across your own machines in your own enterprise).

Gartner have stated that “the mere transport (of data) outside the enterprise will represent an unacceptable security risk to many enterprises”.